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Pride Month at Rogue Snail 2021

Lucy Guerrero Community Manager & Marketing
June 30, 2021

This year in June we decided to do something different with the LGBTQIA + Pride celebration. Last year, we grew our team and we always had a common concern: bring diversity to the Rogue Snail Team. Today we can proudly say that we have a diverse team spread across the world and this has led us to have more confidence to talk about something we always wanted to: Representation in the Game Industry.


We already had a channel in our Slack to address topics that talked about representativeness and diversity, with the proposal to share content, generate discussions and awareness among everyone at Rogue. We showcase at Pride Month this year the Diversnail Tag on our Social Media to deliberate on these topics related to the Game Industry throughout the month (you can check it out here). Today we end this cycle with the certainty that we are on the right path, but we are not going to stop here. We keep bringing content about diversity in our media continuously.



While the video game industry has made great strides in terms of inclusion, there is still a long way to go to achieve the goal of making video games representative for everyone. Fortunately, game developers are already realizing the importance and benefits of creating diverse worlds, featuring characters that break with imposed standards. A study by EA’s Global Consumer Insights Team in 2019, found that 56% of the 2,252 survey respondents said it’s important for game developers to create games that celebrate all people and cultures, providing a unique perspective on life.


Some people might wonder: but why is talking about Representation and Diversity so important, especially in the gaming world? Games have become an important form of entertainment in recent years, their narratives represent extensions of the “real” world and present plots that players identify with and project their actions. Video games have a unique role in representing under-represented social groups in an immersive way, and games that contemplate the diversity in their universe in a respectful and efficient way serve as a tool to demystify prejudices and democratize the representation of social minorities that are still under-represented.



Credit: Image: Disclosure / EA


Good representation is not restricted to our products. We must open up opportunities for these groups, as we know that there are many challenges for the job market to stop being exclusive. According to studies done by the Center for Talent Innovation in Brazil, only about half of LGBTQIA+ employees feel comfortable to assume their sexual orientation or gender identity in the workplace. These data also reveal that there are still companies that are reluctant to hire members of the community, regardless of their area of ​​expertise and qualifications, and this compromises the group’s confidence in getting a job opening and subjugates them to positions that are not consistent with his real professional capacity.


These hirings also need to come hand in hand with the creation of safe and inclusive spaces, it’s not enough just to provide employment opportunities and not change the company’s internal culture. It’s necessary that they reinforce diversity in their policies and promote lectures, meetings, and dynamics, in order to encourage all employees to know more about the affairs and keep the environment safe for the LGBTQIA + community.


We still have a lot to evolve as a society, but as companies and studios, we can contribute to empowering these people, and consequently, we will be able to create narratives in our games with more empathy, understanding, and sensitivity because with a diverse team full of perspectives and different stories these plots will be created in an authentic, inclusive and respectful way.


This is the path we must follow from now on, for more representation, diversity, and respect in the gaming industry!

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