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New home, new adventures

Lucy Guerrero Community Manager & Marketing
October 6, 2020 News Remote Work Rogue Snail

2020 has been a crazy year for all of us and besides all the weird and bad things going on in the world, here at Rogue Snail we’ve been keeping things flowing pretty well. We’re super lucky to have all of our teammates and family safe – a privilege for fully remote studios – while we keep working hard on our projects.

As you may have noticed, we’ve got a fresh new website. We also have our virtual office fully customized, signed some new exciting partners and we’re aiming to expand our family. Today we’re 21 “Roguers” working full steam ahead to deliver the best experience for the Relic Hunters community and we expect to have even more people joining us on this adventure by the end of the year.

This our new home: pretty awesome place huh?

We have three projects going on now: Relic Hunters Zero: Remix, Relic Hunters Legend and Relic Hunters Rebels.

Zero: Remix was launched in May for the Nintendo Switch. Having our game in a Nintendo platform was something that we’ve always wanted! We’ll soon release it on Steam as well. We’re happy to see new people enjoying our game!

Rebels is our mobile game in-development. We have a great partner in China that is going to take care of things there and we’re currently searching for a publisher to spread the word about it globally so even more people can enjoy the adventures of our Relic Hunters!

Legend is our main project, and it is a gigantic game for indie standards. We have been pouring our hearts and souls into this project for 3 years now. Our team is fully committed to the game and implementing new awesome features.

Panzer is almost ready to start causing a lot of mischief in the RH Legend’s galaxy

We will be forever grateful for all the love and support this community has shown us through all the hardships and achievements of the past years. We would never have gotten this far without you and we hope you continue to follow our media and updates, because we’ll have A LOT of good things to share with you soon. 

Lucy, Mark and all the Rogue Snail team.

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