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International Women’s Day 2021!

Lucy Guerrero Community Manager & Marketing
March 8, 2021 News Rogue Snail

Today is International Women’s Day. A day not only to celebrate the incredible and strong women who are present in our lives but also a day of reflection.


The date was created 46 years ago to celebrate political and social achievements made by women, however, we still face many problems of inequality, harassment, and violence nowadays. In the games industry, we have a 20.7% female presence in the production part, according to the second Brazilian Digital Games Industry Census, published in 2018, and although the numbers are growing every year and women are specializing and placing themselves with greater emphasis on this market, they still face many barriers to achieve the deserved recognition.


Photo by Kristin Hardwick from StockSnap


In recent years we have seen increasing numbers of reports of abuse and violence suffered by women in the sector. Thanks to awareness and the increase of a support network, these women have felt increasingly secure in denouncing their aggressors, who in most cases were in positions of power. This again shows the importance of companies in not only increase the diversity in their teams but also actively work to change the culture of toxic masculinity that unfortunately persists in the workplace today.


The changes are taking place through the efforts of people and organizations that open spaces and opportunities for everyone and transform the game culture, reaching for more inclusion and diversity in our industry. Institutions and actions are made, such as Women Game Jam and Women In Games, to contribute globally to this movement of insertion and development of women in our sector.


At Rogue, we understand the value of having a diverse team and how it positively affects our projects. We are constantly on the lookout to ensure a safe environment that contributes to the growth of everyone who passes by our studio. It is part of who we are. We want more and more companies and studios to open their spaces and contribute to the creation of a more diverse, egalitarian, and safe industry for everyone, always maintaining an open dialogue for the improvement of these relationships.


We will continue to fight for equality and respect! Fight like a girl 🙂

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