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Global Game Jam and the construction of a more diverse industry

Lucy Guerrero Community Manager & Marketing
January 27, 2021

Today begins the Global Game Jam, the largest Game Jam in the world. The event, created in 2009 by the IGDA (International Game Developers Association), is organized by several associations around the world whose purpose is to stimulate innovation, experimentation, and collaboration in game development. At this event, enthusiasts from all over the world come together to create games in a few hours based on a common theme, to later be displayed on the Game Jam website for the entire world.

In 2020, the event has grown to 934 sites in 118 countries with over 48,000 jammers who collectively made over 9,600 games. The Global Game Jam is a space for everyone to show their talent to the world, and we’re proud to be able to contribute to the event in São Paulo, Brazil, being sponsors of Sampa Diversa, a group that since 2018, has been setting up a jam site for underrepresented groups in the industry, prioritizing LGBTQ +, indigenous, black, disabled and low-income participants.


Sampa Diversa plays an extremely important role in opening this safe space, giving voice and visibility to these people that don’t have a large representation in our industry. As a game studio, we understand the value of having a truly diverse team and how it positively affects our projects, as we manage to trace our narratives with various worldviews and make us understand and reach all audiences. In the future, we want more companies and studios to open their spaces with responsibility and contribute to a more egalitarian industry.


Sampa Diversa edition 2020. Source: Sampa Diversa


The Global Game Jam takes from 27 through January 31 and will be held entirely online to ensure the safety of everyone, the opening ceremony will begin today at 8 pm BRT on Sampa Diversa’s YouTube Channel and will be interpreted in Sign Language. Sampa Diversa participants will have free mentoring provided by Dyxel Game Publisher, Space Sheep Games, Google, Unity, Webcore Games, Wildlife Studios, and courses offered by the Escola Brasileira de Games (Brazilian Games School). Some of our Roguers will also participate in the event, so you can chat with them, ask questions and make the most of this Game Jam.


We wait for you there and good Jam!

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