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Category: Game Design

Level Scaling in Relic Hunters Legend

December 9, 2017 Game Design Game Development

Hey Hunters, How are you all doing? This week I wanted to talk with you about a very sensitive subject in the RPG genre: level scaling. Keeping Players Together First of all, a bit of context: here at Rogue Snail we have a few core design principles that we use when making decisions on Relic […]

Endgame activity concept: Item World

November 25, 2017 Game Design Game Development

Hey Hunters, how are you all doing? Today I wanted to try something a little different: talk about a system that is barely out of the drawing board, and could be one of the things that you will be doing as an endgame activity in Legend. We are still a long way from implementing the […]

Difficulty Levels And Why You Should Never Use Them

We have been using difficulty levels in our games ever since they left the bars and arcades and invaded people’s living rooms. Old Atari games often had “A / B” difficulty switches that allowed for challenge adjustments on the fly, as the overall design mindset turned from “eating quarters” to allowing people to customize the […]

Reality Check: Game Design and Empathy

October 17, 2014 Game Design

Creavity, logic, problem-solving skills, sense of humor, knowledge of probability, statistics, systems theory, information hierarchy, storytelling… the list of desirable game designer traits seems like something out of Da Vinci’s CV. “But what is the single, most important thing for a game designer, Mark?”, you ask, fully expecting me to contort my face for minutes […]

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