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Posts by: Mark

Level Scaling in Relic Hunters Legend

December 9, 2017 Game Design Game Development

Hey Hunters, How are you all doing? This week I wanted to talk with you about a very sensitive subject in the RPG genre: level scaling. Keeping Players Together First of all, a bit of context: here at Rogue Snail we have a few core design principles that we use when making decisions on Relic […]

Endgame activity concept: Item World

November 25, 2017 Game Design Game Development

Hey Hunters, how are you all doing? Today I wanted to try something a little different: talk about a system that is barely out of the drawing board, and could be one of the things that you will be doing as an endgame activity in Legend. We are still a long way from implementing the […]

PayPal Payments for our Kickstarter!

October 31, 2017 News Relic Hunters Legend

Hey Hunters, You can now use PayPal for your Kickstarter pledges during our last week! Hunter Tier – $20 INCLUDES: Closed Beta Access (Est. Q3 2018) – Steam Key Exclusive KS Backer Badge Founder Badge Access to Beta Kickstarter-Exclusive Forums and Discord Your Name in the Credits $20 Worth of In-Game Currency Alpha Hunter Tier […]

Manifesto Free-to-Play

Com o jogo Relic Hunters Legend, nós queremos mudar os jogos Free-to-Play. Nós nos inspiramos em jogos gratuitos divertidos e honestos como Path of Exile e Warframe. E nós queremos contribuir com a nossa parte mostrando que jogos “gratuitos” e “bons” podem funcionar. Um dos meus ídolos de game design, Richard Garfield, escreveu um ano atrás o artigo […]

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